The REST online learning and networking platform contains learning material to support employers in employing and integrating refugees.

The platform is available in six languages. After your registration on the platform (creating a user account) you will have to choose the course in your language and enroll for it. If you have problems enrolling in the course please check our short guide for that.
Using the online training material is for free.

English REST learning platform to support employers in the employment and integration of refugees
български РЕСТ програма за подкрепа на работодатели при наемане на бежанци
Deutsch REST Lernplattform zur Unterstützung von Arbeitgebern bei der Beschäftigung und Integration von Flüchtlingen
Français REST learning platform to support employers in the employment and integration of refugees
ελληνικά Πρόγραμμα REST για την υποστήριξη των εργοδοτών σχετικά με την πρόσληψη προσφύγων
Italiano REST  – una piattaforma per datori di lavoro finalizzata all’inserimento socio-lavorativo dei rifugiati